Thank DamienDe. We're creating a DevLog post that explains what assets we had going into the jam and what we created during it. We did use a lot of asset store assets but it's often hard to get them to gel in a cohesive way and sometimes you can spend more time getting them to work the way you want than creating your own. A lot of Dan's time (our artist) was spent creating the levels themselves, which we did in Tiled. Check out the Streaming Assets folder, you can even edit them yourself or create new levels. Most programming time was spent handling the door codes, screen layouts and transitions, AI for the enemy, game load/save (on end of level), mouse/keyboard input, minimap and tiledmap loading. Also time was spent integrating all the asset store assets. The walls, furniture, terminals, storage lockers, etc. are all a single trim sheet, created in Substance Painter from a Blender file, and the walls themselves are just boxes with no geometry. Dan did an amazing job there, they really look detailed but it's all faked with a clever texture map. It would be a challenge to do this with no premade assets but we're up for it next year!