Sorry to tell you but we couldn't run the game either. It came up with this error. If you have any suggestions we're up for trying them to help track it down. Well done for submitting your game.
PS C:\Users\adam\Desktop\Drawer\Dungeon Crawler 2022 Entries\nano_ruins> .\nano_ruins.exe
Unhandled exception. System.Exception: ERROR: 0:4: 'RGBA32F' : syntax error syntax error
at OpenGL.Shader..ctor(String source, ShaderType type)
at OpenGL.ShaderProgram..ctor(String vertexShaderSource, String fragmentShaderSource)
at Poison.Engine.LoadShader(String fileName)
at Poison.Game.OnInitialize()
at Poison.Engine.Initialize()
at Poison.Program.Main(String[] args)