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Fun little Plinko-like game. I enjoyed this, hard to hit all the snowballs. Where are the high scores stored? I think only major thing that it needed was music and sfx - overall maybe the balls could have been sped up a little, or start speeding up over time as they are live.

One thing to note, too, is you should not include all builds for all platforms in the same zip - it's better to separate them, especially if you have the time to, so not every person has to download every version of it.


Thanks for the reply, the high scores are in the user folder open AppData/Roaming it should be either in a folder called Snowball Break or in Godot/app_userdata

Ohh! I was hoping they'd be stored online so I could see how I competed against others. But I guess it's a rather complex system to do that (my Firebase plugin works well for it, but just found a bug in it so I'm glad you didn't try to use it!) in such a short amount of time. Good work overall!