(. . .OMG YOU GUYS ARE; Wait oml yall need to dress up like witchs on Halloween or at SOME point- i swear to god I'm going to make fun of yall, well not make fun of; just tease- :3)
(And, if you say soooo- But still, sorry. uwu)
(....Ok so Nat found out-she promised to be chill tho. Like I swear we CAN be calm when we try-also we should dress up as the hocus pocus witches :)
(Yall really should-And yeah, i got two messages from her, and i haven't even looked at them yet- T-T)
(Aaaaanyways-can ye join?)
(While, not at the moment, maybe in a hour or so? I'll tell you when I think i can join- =w=)
(Oki! :3)
(Mhm! :3)
(....also for the love of god why do i have these-)
(MMmm.....*just becauseeee~*)
(....LeT'S nOt WoRrY aBoUt iT-)