Overall Enjoyment: The game was very enjoyable and it was fun to wander around and shoot the enemies, felt very satisfying when you killed a big horde of the rats.
Use of Theme: Found the play on words of the theme to be very unique and stands out.
Gameplay Enjoyment: As I said , the shooting mechanics felt very satisfying. However, I was not sure what I was supposed to be doing at some times or what the bar at the bottom of the screen was for.
Audio: The Audio was extremely fitting for the game and the main theme felt very catchy loved it.
Visuals: The Art on the main menu was really good, and made the game enticing to me, the art for the background could have been a bit more but overall was still really good. Liked the UI indicators for when you could fire.
Creativity: Liked the creative use of the theme and found the gameplay very enjoyable, though, I think it could greatly benefit from some damage buffs when you filled up the bar at the bottom (I couldn't tell if there was so apologies if it was implemented)
Great work on the game, really enjoyed the shooting mechanics, have a good day ! :)