I also get the shader error trying to open the game :(
GTX 1650Ti
You could go into the data/shader folder and delete the volume.vs and volume.ps shader files. They are not uses at all and seem to have something in them, Intel does not like. On that note, I am pretty sure the game defaults to your Intel GPU, maybe you can force the game to run on you nvidia GPU. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for trying the game at all.
I don't know what happened really :(. In the buggy version I published for the jam, the onscreen arrows indeed don't work, but the numpad keys should. The only one other thing that could prevent you from moving is opening up the debug console by pressing "~" (you can hide it again through the same key or escape and regain control). Haven't had the chance to test on other devices just yet, but I'll see about that and get back to you if I find something. Thank you for trying though.