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(1 edit) (+2)(-4)

"To anyone complaining about wait times 

- You are not special and the world does not revolve around you."

The biggest majority of people only ask when the next update is, because they apreciate the work.

There is only a verry small minority that act like shitty brat with no respect.

There is no date writen anywere for the next update, so people who want to know when the next will be ask in the comment section. It's literaly one of the main purpose of these coment, asking the dev things about the game.

And saying "i could wait all my life if someone told me they would give me something and i'm better than you" is immature, waiting blindly does not make you better than people that cant have the patience to wait a few month.

This way of acting always push people to become more toxic. It dosent even help for anything else than building a totaly toxic community.

In the end all of this could be resolved with a small sentence in the game's description saying "update are generaly x month appart" or "there is no sheduled date for the next update as it is a compte rework of all that was made."


I understand that you disagree with what I have said. That's fine but you are misquoting my words to benefit your argument against me. So you are not being objective about it at all.

Very strange to speak out for toxicity here too since my post is directly against toxic attitude.  Not only that but I would go further and say that what you are posting is far more toxic due to the way you are trying to gaslight me with things I never said and insulting me personally.

To be honest, all you really did here was contradict yourself. I still stand by what I said and argue that you are toxic and the reason I made the post in the first place.