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if you are not going to finish this, why start it in the first place?


He started it as a hobbie project, dude, its not a job. But mostly important, why should anyone be forced to finish or rush anything? If he ends up dropping the project, then that's it, no one can't say anything. Just relax dude, there's a lot of  VN's out there with the same aspect as this one, just chill.


One can definitely be disappointed that a project with a good story & good characters goes to waste. You sound like a GameFreak fan rn & that's disgusting.


Is that for me or for the "GoodSamaritan"? I can't really tell if you replied to me or missed the right reply button.

If its for me, then enjoy the wall of text, I challenge your to read it all, I will give you a cookie if you do! But if its not for me, then reply again and I will remove it no problem, I don't want to sound rude towards anyone. 


Oh well, yes I'm a fan, yes I enjoy the story like almost everyone else here, yes I want to see the game until its final build, but no, I'm not looking to see a story being rushed because people are demanding more and more and/or are impatient and can't wait the creator to have his personal life back in the tracks so he can be comfortable to write a good story. And yes, I will be disappointed if the story is abruptly killed so early or when its near the end (Ah.. Morenatsu... Rip Torahiko route.), but if this happens, what can we do? Punish the writer? The artist?

Rome wasn't made in one night, it too a hell of time, the same will probably be with his project, it can AND will take time. I say that not as a fan, but as a writer and as a artist myself, I'm just a guy that also do stories, personal ones and also art's, all of them are personal projects I'm not willing to show at least for now because I want to make them look hella good and without bugs and loose ends. Hell, I joined game design in college because I want to do it right! (Not to mention the colleges here are expensive as hell, you need 2 jobs to pay it correctly.. So you can imagine how much I love what I do, because I could just have choose to be a architect and earn tons of money, easily...)

When you do a project as a hobby you don't take it as a job or as a matter of life, you do it by heart and not by demand. The fucking creator of this VN said posts ago (Anyone can check that going to his profile and checking his last comment, but for the lazy one's, here's a print I just took: ) Drakes is having little time with their personal life's and stuff, we should respect that and at least wish him good luck, like a civilized being... He said the game is still being worked on at his own pace, he's a single developer as far as I know and as he said there. So let's just respect the guy and the project, lets not treat it and him like Blizzard do with WoW expansions making mistakes in the story and game itself, like Overwatch with their re-used content over the years, Gamefreak with their DLC's for Pokemons from another generations, Bandai using the same formula to kill Digimon over and over again with mobile games.

Let's leave him have his fucking time, he's a person for fuck sake, I'm tired of seeing projects go to waste because the creators felt forced to rush the development. No one wants another Anthem on the market, riiiiiight?~

This project have potential, the story so far is good and fun, it's pretty well made for a single developer! And I like the love he put on it so far! You can't change my mind on that. No one ever will..

So yeah, that's it, this all I have to say about the situation, what I think about it, how I feel about it. I could keep going on and on, it's a good training for me since English is my third language, but it's already too big for a 7 minutes of typing. I'm not going to reply here anymore, its enough. I already did my part as a person, as a fan, and as a artist.

So, God speed.

Also, here's a cookie I promised, you must be hungry after reading everything. :3


The thing is, it's been literally 10 almost 11 months since the last update. Of course people will be asking when it is. &, if not for an update from the developer that was 140 days ago, maybe we could use a new updated community post from the developer himself. People worry that the game is canceled- they don't ask to rush him, they ask because they're worried. It's always -Is the dev okay? Is the project canceled? What's going on? It's never "OMG JUST UPDATE ALREADY GRRR!"  It's been 140 days since that comment from the dev, I'm sure people don't see it anymore.


Well, I said I wouldn't reply, but yeah I understand the feeling, the worry etc. He is lacking some communication on this visual novel yes, he could just say something on twitter too.

But I don't know if its worth the long term problems if he just came here and said "Hey, still no new update, working on this IRL, project is not dead!" and then if he updates and takes another hiatus he need to come explain himself again and again every time.

Maybe if he could pin his message, or put it on the description of the VN page, maybe everyone would get it in a better way. Right now, at least with my eyes , what I see is people starting to hate, to look bad on someone's else hobby and they don't know why he put this VN on hiatus, I would understand if this was a patreon supported project, but its not the case. I guess I'm just too much used to wait and believe in people, that's why I'm taking this long waiting so easy on my end.

But yes, I understand the worry, I'm with you guys on that. And that's why I login here every day (Mostly by mistake when I press D to get discord link and it opens this page instead) to see those who don't know what's going on and tell them.