it was a joke thats a fucking porn mod lmao
this is the mod but censored with popsicles and british people
fanjanjail gfin
dude i thought we were cool then you talk shit about me again and fuck it up
this is exactly why we cant have a friendship
you know what fuck you and your stupid reddit frienship idea go fucking kill yourself you son of a faggling
a faggling
whore bitch
you have a case of whore pox
stop being a whore and ill stop calling you one
I havent interacted with you since yesterday, i think?
because i fucked your mom
you called me a cry about it so i have beef with you and bebba pig
I gave your mom my beef, she sucked on it so hard
oh fuck you
you are developement dinner im going to gon say h
bro wtf is going on
this was 9 days ago buddy