I really enjoyed playing this and currently top the leaderboard as Gwen. Just linked it to other people I know who might like it. Timeless mode would be a nice option, as mentioned elsewhere. Another thing that might be nice is having to press Enter to submit the current word, rather than it happening automatically as you move letters; this would remove the frustration at being sooo close to putting in "LOTUS" when you now have to figure out what to do with "STOSS" or whatever. Some way to view previously-used words, or to get instant feedback when that is the case before locking it in, would be nice as well: or (which would make the game easier, so might not be desirable) it could just be the five current vertical words which are forbidden to repeat the use of. I'm also not sure how but it would also help to have some mechanic for getting (purchasing??) new letters over time (so you're not locked into a more and more restrictive letter pool as you go). Anyway, fantastic game, and I'm giving you almost full stars! (4/5 for music)