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(4 edits) (+1)(-1)

I had one or two spike helmets a cactus and 3-5 roses over like 10 different runs dude.  Actually I wasn’t spamming it I was telling people it would help with stuff like blademaster or axemen. Having 6 spike helmets would be bad because they would all cancel each other’s block out and I would be screwed.

Also by magma core I mean floors 6-9 and whenever I pick up an item to try and do a cool build with it and I drop it for something better like I drop an arrow for a cool sword and then I get the other thing needed for that build.

I have seen archangel armor ONCE and never seen paladin armor. Are you talking about plated armor with that one or is it some entirely different op item.

That it the end of this response. Goodbye.


3-5 roses, are you crazy?! They are worse in every aspect compared to the spiked helmets! At least try to get good thorns items like the scales or the coral, not roses!

Christ, I feel like you are a total noob rudely talking over veterans on the contents of the game because every single time you comment you say something completely absurd and occasionally inane. Just block me already, you are getting on my nerves.