That was a lot of fun to play. I like the slower, more deliberate pace of traveling around and fighting other ships, repairing your own, etc. The dice game for a cannon hit is a neat idea and upgrading your cannon = more die is well thought out too. Ended on Gentleman Pirate, I didn't think that was too bad... no Pirate King though.
The art is top notch in this project. I'm not at sprite artist so it's always especially impressive when things like shading and object depth can be communicated so convincingly, and with little color to boot. Seriously, great work. The music was also really good, perfect for the atmosphere! I most enjoyed the intro/final screen tune. And the composition while on the main map screen really complimented the gameplay.
I think only 2 things really stuck out to me. First, maybe have a different sound effect for when you successfully barter for something and when you don't have the right trade item to do that. Second, I'm not a huge fan of screens with gameplay info having a timer before they go away. For someone like me that has to read things a couple of times to get the gist, it can be kind of a hinderance. That's just personal preference, I guess. Anyway, good job and congrats to all of you for this one. Awesome game.