Good groundwork for a score attack game.
The aesthetic is cool. Feels like an action movie, as another comment said. The music was simple, but added to that feeling of action movie tension. However, I was encountering a problem where, when I would die and then respawn, I think what would happen was that the music would start up again without stopping the previous track. So the music would be playing twice, essentially. I'd guess you have a script that starts when the player spawns, and the music is started from there? Just make sure to have a check for if it's already currently playing (assuming that's why this issue was occurring).
I agree with a lot of thoughts that have already been shared. Enemies spawning too close to the player, taking too many hits, it could've been clearer what exactly the player was supposed to do, etc. But I think you have a good base here to work from, and it seems like you already have a lot of ideas for how to build it up from here!