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No worries about the large reply :)

Keeping the door back to the helmet unlocked would solve that problem.

I see the "smokey" air but it's pretty subtle, you could definitely make it more obvious that the air is harmful (and that the oxygen meter is ticking down, something we discussed a long time ago).

Yeah, I don't really know how to solve that problem.

Heavily considering adding a beep that beeps faster depending on oxygen level, but we all know how people feel about beeps.
There's already a beep in the game right now but it's very subtle, I'm talking *almost* a "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past" low health situation for the new beep.

And there's also the fact that oxygen has not really been implemented how I want it yet, so expect there to be less oxygen drain overall and more specific rooms with heavy oxygen drain in the future.
Except for the no-suit part of the game, that will probably not change that much.