Hi, thanks for your kind words! To answer your questions:
1. Yes. They do show up in Curious Set and will be the playable character in the full-fledged sequel when I finally make it.
2. It's canon, but it's a canon entry that can be easily skipped. It is (besides being a story I wrote for me) a character study for how Clash reacts to romantic/sexual attraction, as well as examining how human/robot interaction could be different than human/human interaction. The only thing from that game which would come up in future games is the fact that Clash has a lady friend that he's very fond of (which can easily be explained/shown in the future games themselves).
3. I mean, never in a million years did I even FATHOM that anyone would want to make a fan game based on anything I made, so heck yeah, people can go for it!
4. Depends on the fan game. ;-)
But yeah, Curious Set can be skipped if you're making YouTube playthroughs. Steel Barista may not make the most interesting video, though, as its just a text adventure? There's also the two Legends of Tzonac games, which have Clash show up alongside some of my other robot characters, that might make better viewing experiences? I don't know, my own YouTube career never took off so I'm probably the last person to judge what makes good YouTube viewing or not. xD
I'll definitely make time to check out your playthrough, and no worries I'm not done with Clash yet! I have a full-fledged sequel in the pipeline, but right now all I have is a title (Clash: Blue Mirage, which was an AI-generated title!) and a setting (hi-tech mansion/graveyard instead of hi-tech cruise liner). There's also Legends of Tzonac 3, which I have even less ideas about right now? But that's better than nothing? Anyway, yes, thanks for your attention!