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Deleted 2 years ago

People like you are mindless, if you didn't like it just say nothing nigga. Like nigga all you can think about is pussy you're never finna get,also this game is still in development. Fucking simpleton.

mid comment

(1 edit)

OK... 😳😬

Deleted 2 years ago

that's crazy you think I'm white, bald ass slave owner, go get a life nigga. "typa" only Wacky ass niggas say that, wanna be hoodlum ass nigga

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

check out my insta you fucking incel @ne0baller. The only white person here is you, hope off my case nigga.


Pearls to the swine.

Deleted 2 years ago

You speak like an uncultured lout. This isn't the place for the likes of you.

Deleted 2 years ago

I'm a married man, you insufferable imbecile, I don't place my value as a man in how many girls I fuck. You seem to be a teen kid with all those "go get women" kind of comment, go live a little and meet real people, and with real I mean with real life experience. And in the process, try learn how to write, you're making you educative system seem like a pile of thrash if that what's passing as education, "my nigga".

Deleted 2 years ago

Soy peruano, pedazo de huevón, y no entiendo porque chucha dirías que soy racista, acomplejadito de mierda. Si no se escribir inglés como un literato pues que pena, bububu a llorar al río. Y ya me cansé de responderle a un baboso sin cerebro como tú.

Deleted 2 years ago