Beautiful. That helped a ton. I was able to recreate that crash and see what was going on. Believe I have managed to tape her up! I'll release a quick patch up to the game files quite soon. Basically, the game got confused and output a 0 where it shouldn't have.
My current build doesn't quite match what's out on (there was going to be a desert stage available as a post-game thank you, but it never saw the light of day), so I might add some neat trinkets before uploading what I have.
Big major one is that the soundtrack doesn't match at all. I've been hacking in my songs to the game (as opposed to the watson soundtrack), so maybe I'll offer a download option for both flavors!!
Thank you for the heads up. I appreciate it. Thank you for giving the game a play, too. I always find it cool as heck if someone gives the games a whirl.