Of course, that said-carriage just had to have some old man who cursed at her as he rode off. Looovely, someone who wasn't paying attention to where they were riding starts cursing at someone who literally could barely see a feet infront of them. But regardless of who that guy was, as she began to pick up what fell out of the bags, (and the bags themselves-), when she tried reaching for a small-box, someone else then grabbed it. "Huh?", is probably what could've gone threw her mind, but when she did look up, well-Who else could it be expect for the same, mysterious man?... He seemed a lot nicer up close, not in some flustering way, just-Actually Nice. He looked up at her with a bit of black-look, before a small, "maybe" genuine smile formed on his face?.. It was honestly quite hard to tell if it was genuine or not, but still-He was helping pick them up, so why complain?.....oh yeah and he was speaking- :P
".. I guess someone had a little fall, you alright there?.. Looked like you got your foot ran over, or, maybe it was just the bags landing on you.. Still, are you hurt?"