Made it to floor 25 but now soft locked by the only enemy which doesn't attack (no way around this time). Is there any way to reroll map layout?
1 cleansing rag used 3x/energy * 6 energy = -18 poison, so I would die before finishing about 167 turns of 3x vamp/energy, but there is no other reliable way of removing poison at this level that I can think of.
Only got weapon blacksmith so no +haste on shields and didn't find any mirror shields, but otherwise this build is near its apex. If the shield spirit works with arrows then maybe a crossbow and poison arrows instead of melee could work since it only takes away damage.
Unfortunately you need almost every rare item seen here to make it work...
-2x hercule pavese, potentially 3
-4x shields, two can be lil bucklers
-1x coral (believe you can only get 1 of each relic but idk)
-3x energy (windmill, token, crimson) for coral to work well
If you roll shield blacksmith then guarding band is unnecessary for boss fights, and the weaponry/shield spirit/cleansing flame are only for healing and surviving bee poison fights so they can be replaced with aloe and/or sufficient healing.