I got 47410! Try to beat this!
Some comments for the developer team:
Nice small game! Definitely has elements for score competition and could also fit well for a mobile game. Theme is quite clearly involved in the game but that the game could also be expanded with the theme in mind. There could be other magnetism related special elements. For example what if some magnets would push player downwards or sideways instead of upwards?
If you are still working with the game my main suggestion would be to have a rising difficulty curve in the game. So the game would start as easy but then become increasingly difficult as the game goes on. That would make the game even more engaging and interesting to play. Now when I played the game it started to feel a bit repetitive after a while and after figuring out the basic movement they game started to feel pretty easy. On the other hand, when starting out the game I died really quickly on the first few attempts because before any practice the start was already relatively difficult because the screen moves upwards so fast. Both of these might be fixed for example if you would make the scrolling speed vary as the game progresses. So it would start a little bit more slow and then the longer the player has played the quicker it would become. Although adding this might require some additional testing to get the difficulty curve feel right and not rise too fast or too slow.
Also, two small bugs that I noticed:
- Player cannot move quite until the left side of the screen (there is invisible wall blocking the movement) but on the right side player can move halfway out of the view. The edge colliders should probably be aligned so that they work the same for both sides for consistency.
Hmm... I'm sure there was another comment that I had but I cannot remember it now. I will edit it here later when I remember it.