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I think, the button assignment was mixed up: up arrow is doing nothing for me, but I can jump with right arrow. Apart from that very cool, may I ask how you did it?

I went back and tested, and same here. I think Right does both jump and right? A/D/W works though.


Oops, you're right, just fixed it. Anyway, i love your game, the idea of an audio only game is so cool.

The way the effect works is pretty simple, it just does a bunch of raycast to generate a mesh which is coloured so that where it hits platforms it's white, and then just does some shader magic to generate the rings, based off the mesh

Well, doesn't sound that simple to me to be honest, I have to try it myself someday to make sure I understand it :D

From what I've seen of the submissions, there are multiple jam games that rely on an echolocation system (including mine, hehe), but I think yours has the best looking effect.