Despite her 'sob', there wasn't but another sound but of herself.. and the quite rustling against her. Every now and then she could swear she saw something move in the corner of her eye, but considering the fact it was in both of her eyes-...It was easy to just assume it wasn't anything, Besides-When she tried looking to where she "thought" something was there, there'd be nothing but the fog-And the empty.. empty woods. Now, there was one good thing she could maybe get out of this!....Peace... The one thing the Naga was good at, was making sure the person was at peace... before what everyone in the villages assumed was strike. The fog around her began to seemingly swirl together behind her as she walked further into the forest-There was even a moment where she saw the fog infront of her get "Swatted" up in the air for a moment-Before the fog.. began to slowly shift itself into something along the lines of a Dragonfly.
It wasn't a perfect model, but the slight almost realistic buzzing from it; As it began to hover beside her, and sometimes even around her head-...It was almost calming in a way. Heh, She could most certainly think it was the Naga playing tricks on her mind, or perhaps it was simply trying to let her give her a chance to breath-Whatever the case was, at least she was by herself for now.. maybe she'll be lucky, and pass out before the Naga found her. Perhaps she could just sleep threw the pain, she almost could imagine what it'd feel like being in the grasp of that.. thing.. it was a confusing, tempting thought-But she'll soon get her answer. The answer however...might... shock her.. it depends really.