Really cool deck builder, with a unique concept of needing to avoid enemies at all costs while waiting for a chance to strike! Maribel was a great pick there, as someone who potentially has power...just not all the time.
Only letdown for me (and this is an issue I have with all deckbuilders, really, so it's more a me thing) is that since attacking greatly relies on what cards you draw, I felt that success was more based on what RNG I'd get rather than how I built the deck necessarily. I'm sure I could mitigate that with better planning, but even when I was stacking my deck with attacking cards they just weren't showing up when I needed them, which started me back to square one a lot in ways that didn't quite feel in my control. Them's the heart of the cards, though!
In all, a lovely concept that I think has some real potential, my own hangups with the genre aside. Thank you for making!