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I love the music and the art! The character's animation is adorable. I also think the idea of having the physics randomized is a super creative use of the limitation and really makes the runs interesting. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but the levels switch between 'grass' and 'ice' depending on the amount of friction right? If so, wonderful touch that makes the randomized physics a little less annoying, such as to not make the player unexpectedly go careening off a cliff (which I did anyways :P)

All around great entry!


Okay, just some more praise for the game, I wrote the review, went back to what I had been doing and now the song is stuck in my head. Very catchy tune!

the levels switch between ‘grass’ and ‘ice’ depending on the amount of friction right?

absolutely, yes! the palette is selected depending on how slippery it is, giving both indication of what to expect and a bit of aesthetic variety :3