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The core mechanic of the game is  really enjoyable but there are quite a few things holding it back.

- The controls are pretty simple and objective is simple to understand.

- The sfx that plays when you're walking is perfect and isn't annoying or too much.

- Was surprised with the top down view.

- Levels are way too huge with a lot of emptiness. Maybe adding light puzzles to give the levels a bit more than just walking around would help.

- Enemies aren't obvious until they just come out of nowhere. Possibly add some sfx for them so the player will know when one is coming towards them.

- The bar at the top is too in your face and is distracting, could be put to the side in a vertical position.

- The items that I picked up was weird and had no explanation, specifically the book/journal?

- One enemy in the second level was bugged and would walk through the visible level.