Thanks for the response. I appreciate the communication. I do think having it be constant would be a better mechanic and have the rng be soley on the girls showing up to the office. I think the best option would be as the nights go on things break more often with less rng for the girls showing up so they show up more often.
The video playback makes sense. When I did game development stuff it was mostly in unity but I do have a friend who worked with unreal and he did complain about some things like video playback being annoying. I cant fault you for that all that much. One thing to add for the clock the 5 is backwards during 5:00. other than that the time is right nights last the right amount of time I believe.
Yea I would say the main thing for the desk is the customization aspect. the customization options could be made bigger maybe or other stuff in addition to the desk like posters maybe could make the customization better. I really do like the game I think you have a lot of good ideas.