". . . I guess I have my answer then-"
..-ahem-, Remember when I said something something about his eyes at the very start of the rp?...Yeeeah, that's about the time where oh I don't know-The sight of all of her desires and the beauties in the world, if there was one thing that stood out the most. . .Was the fact those "beauties".. revolved around ever single one of her dreams. Did I mention the fact she was even able to see the new thoughts that were constantly appearing in her head?.. The thoughts of what was happening to her, and even what she wanted?... No?.....What a Shame.
"...Tell me this, Penny. Why did you have to force my hand into doing this.. I know you just hadddd to play hard to get.. but oh woe is us.. you had to force me to get my answer. I guess we'll have to do something about that.. what do you think you deserve right now.. answer this-after.. you tell me just what your answer was going to be-Not was, Is."