Welcome back!
I haven't checked Leprosy in a while, so I may have broken some of the diseases with changes. It is probably throwing an error over and over every turn until you cured it, causing you no not move.
Do you remember the conditions of the duplication? It might have reset the "visited" status of that map cell. I've been trying to track that one down for a while. I'm not sure if it is an issue with saving and loading, or long periods between re-entering a location.
The mutation thing is strange. I checked the code, and your radiation level should always decrease after getting a mutation. Did you drink any mutagen?
For the quests, I've started to go through each one and make corrections where necessary. Those two in particular have a habit of losing information.
Fixed the blank icons in that screen. Missed that one, thanks!
As always, thank you for the report :)