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Short sweet and to the point! I would be interested in seeing this concept being carried out on a larger scale. Love how the game sets a creepy tone.

  • Thinks I liked:
    • Love the absurd creepiness! Laughed at the part where he said he wanted to eat the souls of the tortured.
    • Like the aesthetic you have created with the chiptune audio, the desktop appearance, and the distorted voice.
  • Things that could be improved:
    • Would be nice if there was a reset button whenever the virtual frog dies so i wouldn't have to close and reopen the app to play again.
    • The drag and drop mechanic is a little iffy. If i move my mouse too quickly the fly gets loose from my mouse pointer.
    • I think it would have made more sense to have the x button close the window instead of the entire top bar acting like a button that closed the window.

super glad you could appreciate the aesthetic i was going for (and fun fact, the voice of the frog and the music box song are both samples of twitch streamer jerma985's voice), and i would absolutely love to expand upon this and remake it on a much larger scale, with more content and some quality of life fixes (like the reset button you mentioned). the cursor issue was a known issue, but i couldn't quite figure out a quick fix within the timeframe of the jam since this was my first time really using the cursor in a game, and i totally wasn't aware of the top bar closing the window, i'm guessing that's just a collision thing that i accidentally overlooked. thanks for the feedbacl!