I agree with other users that the controls for android should have a touch to move to spot as well as every minigame is infuriating. Making us do the Godess-awful car minigame 3 times is just evil. It is completely randomized whether you can even win or not, let alone skill, and it makes me want to break my damned phone. Everything else about this game is great but every minigame can f right off. Was honestly going to drop money on the game based on how much i liked it when i beat it, but the minigames - especially the aforementioned car one - damned near cost me $180+ to replace my phone I came DAMNED CLOSE to tossing into the wall! You need a skip option after like 3 losses. SERIOUSLY!
Edit: Trying to do the rat minigame on android is like trying to get water to stop being wet. It may possibly be worse than the car. Controls are utter shit on android.