Hey, just tested the demo, I compiled a list of bugs I think are related to the engine, not the demo. I ignored game-related bugs like typos or enemy misplacement (e.g. the boss sprite is too low on screen) as these wouldn’t be relevant when making a new game. For some, it’s hard to tell if it’s a game-specific setup issue of a framework issue.
EDIT: just after writing this, I realized I was playing the Linux demo which stops at 2.1, so bugs may have been fixed in 3.0 since. I will try again the Windows version, but I don’t want to go through the whole quest again; is there a debug/god mode where I can just warp to the place I want to test? Basically just need a battle with status/buff skills to test all the new features.
- cannot talk to people from the side
- can talk to Hollis one last time after he joins, causing “ghost talk” while screen fades as he joins the party (game-specific?)
- random battle started while I was pushing log, as I was pressing Left but without moving as move was frozen, but random steps still incremented? Or just a coincidence, was I 1 step away from the next battle?
- After pushing second log to rescue Mozzer, before cinematic starts, by holding a direction I could move by a few pixels.
- directional input not handled if keep holding during transition from an area to another
- could not enter first village on world map moving straight into it, had to move slightly down, just bad trigger?
- last selection not restored after buy item
- after item bag becomes full, the bottom-left item is stuck is a dark shade (like the selected / highlight color, but without blue outline)
- can open party menu during title menu
- cursor flashes an instant after action during battle, before enemy turn. Generally speaking, the menu flashes before becoming inactive again after an action before enemy turn.
- can select next fighter action (if ally) immediately after retreat failed, while text still appears
- gold not restored on load after game over, keep value before game over. Easy to exploit (sell all items, die, reload…)
- if bag is full you can miss key item at end of battle, no change no drop a less important item (in the demo, fortunately the final event is based on whether you defeated the boss or not, you don’t need to mushroom in your inventory to trigger it; but in other games you may get stuck due to lack of key item)