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(1 edit) (+1)

You have made one of the most unfun demo's I have played. Did you playtest this yourself? I've been on the stupid test for some 2 hours now and I still can't win cause the balace is so wack. I can't farm the melee guys fast enough because there's so many ranged dudes by the time I respawn a new group I've lost the same amout due to the snipers, and the moment I accidentally spawn a sniper dude he keeps aiming at dude's who aren't even aggroed. It is not fun for a player to be punished for something they cannot control.

If it weren't for the high quality finish I would have quit the first 20 losses. Legit debating if I want to follow this or not


I mean this in the best way possible. Do with my feedback as you will because you genuinely have something great here. An actual game, that's more than most "games" can say on here.

(2 edits)

But hey you played 2 hours. I'm grateful. Sorry it had been an unpleasant experience for you tho.

I won't lie, you most likely won't enjoy this game any further.
Every detail of the gameplay is the intended experience. The gunners are supposed to be annoying whether they are your enemies or allies.  They are a very aggressive type of zombies that players have to keep in mind and strategize on how to NOT use them. That was 100% my decision.

But yes, I see why people think it is unbalanced and I can't really argue with that.
I received a few more complaints about the same topic so I might make changes in the future, but I would probably just add other types of ranged units that are not as aggressive.

Thanks for playing and also for giving feedback!


I was having a similar experience. I kept strategy in mind and played for somewhere between 2 1/2 to 3 hours, but so many sniper dudes kept spawning that it was impossible to avoid and once they were resurected my group was instantly swarmed no matter what i did. sometimes i could kill one or two waves, but never with a profit and i never made it past 85 zombies. i would recommend at least toning down the sniper spawn rates because it gets near impossible to not run  into a group with at least 2 in later stages, or maybe turn down there frequency to fire, or limit there range, because i would often find myself having the sniper hit someone across the map in a big group, that group would then push in other groups and i would be wrecked in less than ten seconds when i had been playing for 5- ten minutes. the speed and agro timer also make it near impossible to escape and try to recoup losses and you cant even move fast enough to escape the other groups.

while i see a lot of potential here, the game is nearly unbeatable in its current state and even trying to recover is impossible, meaning you'll always end up starting from scratch when it should be unnecessary. hope you the best and good wishes towards the future of your game.


Really appreciate you taking the time writing this quite lengthy feedback, thanks! I want to let people know that your suggestions are not being ignored, and I took notes of the things that I need to change on future updates. Please keep looking forward to it!