Put all shields and all cleaver on ducktape and replace hats slowly with more ducktape and cleaver. Every single extra cleaver and shield in the mix multiplies the amount of attacks per energy and the amount of belt of knife activations. -7 damage is on all your weapons can be ignored if you get 150 belt of knife activations.
And this is just turn one, every extra turn the damage stacks further up. My 2nd hit does triple the damage of my first just for comparisson and my first one is already 150k+.
Replacing a shield with a cleaver increased the damage for my by around 30k damage, replacing the hat for a cleaver around 20k. But I settled for 3 shields for 7 activations to stack my haste, but for maximum damage the best setup I think would be all cleaver, all ducktape, one shield. (Tho attacking once can take minutes on max animation speed that way.. :P)