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Hello LacopaEspy. I played downloaded your game on Sunday, and played it yesterday. I played it offline due to lack of internet, so I was not able to check the controls on your itch page. I did figure out all of them, except for the dash, so I did not use it. I know you have rebind menu, but it seems to be just for movement. I guess just having the rest of the controls listed there would be good.

Jumps felt tight, I don't think you have any "coyote time", but at the same time none of the platforming was hard.

I thought I was invincible until I tried to test my mortality by the very end. I personally prefer to see how much health I have in games, but I understand not all games do that.

I was able to break the animation of the wall slide by sliding on a wall on one side, but the animation playing as if the wall was on the opposite side, but I was not able to reproduce it.

I understand to attack you can either hold shift for the full combo, or click it so you can do just 1 or 2 hits.

The new are looks really nice.

I thought the Plant Golem, and I wrecked it hard. Right now you can just pin it to the wall, and safely spam jump attack, so I think it is going to require some hitbox adjustments, or more moves to maybe have it jump back to the centre of the arena, or some attack that would make the player keep his distance for the duration of that move.

I am interested to see your future progress.