Nicely done! Love the screen shake and the effects on the ball. The aesthetic is very nice.
I think the ball could use some acceleration as the round increases in length or every time it hits a paddle for two reasons: It would heighten the tension as volleys go back and forth and it would make the first contact easier. As it is now, the player has, in my opinion, too little time to react to the ball when it is passed from the middle of the screen at the start of the round (especially as the paddle gets smaller) which can feel unfair.
Great job overall though! Solid project!
Thank you for the feedback! Agreed! I should definitely implement the 3 second countdown timer on the first volley just like after scores. That would be more fair to both sides. Currently I have the opponent increasing his speed variable after each player score to increase the challenge. I think the ball would make more visual impact like you mention. So I think I would have to increase the ball speed and opponent speed (opponent slightly more). Thanks again for the awesome feedback and taking the time to play the game!