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Any Suggestions to optimize this build? (change cleaver positions or some like this)

Would appreciate it very much :)

Thanks in advance


depending on how much rage you have forged on to your weapons, you may want to consider taking tusk over the +25% to connected weapons. the only issue is tusk would lock everything into place so you would need to be dead set on your positions. 

Gold cleaver would be better adjacent to the gold in the bottom right instead of a normal cleaver to give 2 buffs, its not a lot but it is something. You could move one of the hats to 6th column and re arrange armour accordingly to hit 2 cleavers instead of 1.

If you could potentially free up 3 spaces for a red energy you would increase the damage by a bunch, the more energy you have the better belt of knives scales. If you are planning on killing in a first round salvo coral becomes less useful and weak becomes less useful.

Ultimately getting one healing gemstones instead of the whetstone is more energy efficient even if it heals for less overall. 

Eventually replacing the shield + rings with 3 bucklers + 1 Hercule would be ideal. It would also trigger more cleavers. 

Thanks sir_puzzle :)

Thats my actual build at lvl. 35 (5 lvls. later than before)

Sadly I only found one forge - which gaves me haste on the knight shield earlier. I'd love to found one ore two with rage:) atm my left jack cleaver got 3 golden whetstones. The regenerative whetstone saved me more than once in this run. Which is, why I'm atm not willing to sacrifice it, until i found one or more forges or better cleavers. I'd rater play a bit slower, than risk to lose this run :p That is also the reason why I sacrificed my belt of knives, cause it just count for the round insteat of the hole fight. Coral also leave several battles before for the third guardian ring. But now, since i've found a hercule it is kinda useless. But i keap it until some better is coming up.

Your Idea with shields and cleavers are good, but my luck seems to have weekend too :p

But anyway thanks again - got to go and punish some more badgers with my cleavers :p