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FOREST GO TO THE COTTAGE HUNT Ask about the hunt; Fr: 18:00-24:00
– Praise the cook +2L
-x-Sleep in one bed L40
-x--Stay close First Heart
-x--Move away +2D
-x- Sleep on the floor – Take the offer +1D
-x- Sleep on the floor – Stick to your decision +1L
BARESHADE GENERAL STORE – TALK Talk about the hot spring – Agree 1L First Heart
Talk about the hot spring – Tease him a little First Heart
BARESHADE HOT SPRING – WAIT FOR BERNARD DATE WITH BERNARD Talk about the hot spring- Agree or Tease him a little; Sat/Sun: 18:00-24:00
-Lie that you have already paid +1LU:70
-Share the bill +1D
-x-Tease him +2LU:70
-xx-Sit close to him-Look at him Second Heart
GENERAL STORE – LEAVE THE SHOP BERNARD’S INVITE TO VISIT AFTER WORK Ask about his well-being after antilycan?; Second H
BARESHADE GENERAL STORE – TALK Plans for the night 2H; 20:00-3:00
BARESHADE GENERAL STORE – STAY FOR THE NIGHT Stay for the night Plans for the night
Only first time
-x- Watchman
-x- Fair
-x- New houses
-xx-Meeting room
-xx-Herbalist table
-Stay Third H
--Take control
---Stay Human
---Change form Don’t choose Discourage transformation
-Leave 10D
BARESHADE FAIR-FIREWORKS Bernard +3L (Exploding bomb: 3; Shocking bomb: 3; Blinding bomb: 3; Water Bomb:3; Sun 20:00-21:00)
--Say you love him Fourth Heart