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Well, your comment made my day in turn, so yay! :D Nothing better than spreading the indiedev love!

Hi again, Carrot! This time I have a question - where does Arc 1 end, specifically? I assumed Arc 1 goes up to the moment when we need to make the call, but after reading some other people's comments regarding Arc 2, and having them mention things I definitely haven't seen for myself, I'm currently wondering if I haven't missed something and jumped ahead in the story. Does Arc 1 have its own path and ending? If so, how can I access it in this current build? Or are there actually different endings for arcs depending on the choices?

I stayed up till 4am playing yesterday because I couldn't un-glue myself from this game, and managed to reach the end of Arc 2... wow, that was such a wild ride. The ending was so emotional. And all the flashbacks just broke my heart into pieces. ;w; Lovely presentation of scenes as always. I've barely started Arc 3 now, and holy shit, somebody give Orlam a hug. I love this broken ratman to bits and I'm so excited to explore his arc further.

Hey!! 😆 Hmm Arc 1? You should see the credits for the first time (after the big-long ending sequence, etc.,), then Iggy wakes up again, has the deja vu-esque call with Hunar, and then you're given the option to call one of the friends. That's the "official" end of Arc 1, as each of these choices will then begin a new arc. Now I'm curious about what you've read that you haven't seen 💦 There really isn't anything "missable" in the game. There's the various deaths you can get, of course—if you make the right choices, you won't get a death scene, so technically you can miss the death scenes, and there's a few choices that lead to slightly different convos/turns of events (there's a choice on the pier in Arc 2, for example, that will change the convo that happens in the inn). But nothing major that will give you entirely new scenes, etc. (at least not yet).

Omfg though please sleep HAHAHAHA! Though that makes me really happy to hear all the same 💕 I'm really glad you're enjoying it!! I went all-0ut with that freaking ending sequence for Arc 2 lol. BUT I HOPE YOU'LL LIKE ARC 3. It's a bit of a wild ride. And yes ffs somebody needs to care for and protect the ratman from all harm, it's t-t-true, he needs love. It would honestly prevent so much 😭

Oooh! I just went to double-check by playing the game from the beginning, and I think I now know where the confusion came from - the first time we get to choose who to call and only Genzou picks up. I thought THAT was the deciding choice for the routes (since only his route was released at the time and the other characters don't pick up even if you do call them, I simply assumed they would once you kept adding the arcs). So I've been still playing Arc 1 all this time while thinking it was Arc 2 already! ...Meaning that I need to call Genzou a 2nd time AFTER that whole adventure and ending to get on this route now! Oooh! I simply clicked on Orlam at this point and I noticed the prompt that it would start Arc 3, it didn't even cross my mind to double-check Genzou since I thought I already finished his arc. Now I see that I didn't. So I still have the whole Arc 2 ahead of me! @w@ Sorry for the confusion, everything makes sense now. xD I feel silly but also happy since this means I actually still have more content to explore than I thought, haha.

OK I THOUGHT IT MIGHT BE THAT. After thinking about what you said, I remembered that one of my beta testers had also gotten confused at first because of the two different call screens and not remembering which was which LOL So don't feel bad, and I apologize for the confusion!! But yeah, that just means you'll play the arcs in a different order, which is fine! That was my initial intention anyway, though probably when I release the next arc, I'm going to set the order in stone as by that point they'll form a nice rising crescendo into Arc 5 (and also then there won't be any more chance for confusion). So it's totally fine! And lol yes, now you actually have two whole arcs to play!! (And I'm glad also that I didn't mention any Arc 2 spoilers in my earlier reply lol 🤣)