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(2 edits) (+1)

Are you talking about the world your games take place in or The Man From The Window? 

I suppose that this game takes place after "The Bit More Know 2" and Mama Rabbit is the newest employee to work at Bartleby's Bakery and she must've taken up the job as it was the only job she could get and she makes just enough money off it for her and Junior to live off.

I'm guessing the Man might return in a future game where he either torments a new family or at least makes an appearance as a cameo. By the way why don't the Rabbit's have tails? regardless I have no problem with it and it's just something I'm curious about.

I'm taking about the world the game takes place in.

As the games progress things will start to show signs of an overarching storyline, but all in due time.

Also, as far as the tail question goes, the answer is simple.

Their designs were supposed to have tails, but somewhere during development it slipped my mind. Whoops.  :)

Deleted 2 years ago

Do you intend to bring Mama and Junior back for a later game or are you intending on making new Animal Characters? Either way it doesn't matter to me which you do especially if characters from past games only return as NPCs.

I'm guessing if you bring Mama and Junior back than you'll try adding tails to them and give them an outfit change depending on the setting right?

Apologies for the delayed response, busy times over here.  :)

Now then, the answer is yes. When reusing characters from previous games, I definitely believe that design updates are always in order. Any changes that need to be made will be.

Will Mama and Junior return? 100%.

Will they return for the next game? You'll just have to wait and see. ;)

(1 edit)

Cool I'll be looking forward to your next game and play it regardless if their in it or not.

I intend to play your other games since I've adjusted well to the style and have gotten interested in the overarching story that's being told here.

I'm guessing the Man is a Demon who can only invade the houses of people who read his book which is you giving him an invitation by doing so with only a 5 minute time limit being the one thing holding him back.

I'm looking forward to seeing both new Human and Animal Characters from you and what you intend to do with them.

Thank you very much!

It's so nice to see someone taking such an interest in my projects.

I really appreciate it. :)

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You're welcome very much! It's a nice change of pace to games that try doing something unique or do something better than other games that attempt it!

So is there a Papa Rabbit within your game's world and are there any siblings of Junior or relatives of him and Mama? Also are Junior and Mama's house suppose to be small or do you intend to expand it in a later game?

We'll definitely see more of the Rabbit family tree, but that's all you'll get from me for now.

I have to keep some tricks up my sleeve for later, you know. ;)

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It's fine I wouldn't force you to tell me, I was just curious if Mama Rabbit's Husband died/divorced her or if he was working overtime or was out of town on a business trip.

By the way that's a good way to phrase it since it's related to magic tricks. I'm pretty sure a lot of people thought they were going to play as Junior when they played "The Man From the Window" since normally games like this would have you play as the child trying to survive alone since the parents see them as just acting up to get attention and would be ignorant, narcissistic and cruel to them while being completely unaware of the threat being very real.

I'm glad to see that Mama Rabbit isn't anything like those kinds of parents and was able to protect herself and Junior from the Man. By the way is Mama Rabbit based off of a existing character? Because she reminds me of Cream and Vanilla from the Sonic the Hedgehog games with her having same kind of ears as them which only makes me love Mama and Junior more.

Also I hope you're alright with people making art of Junior and Mama as it would be nice to see some of them.

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Don't worry, I understand what it's like to want more information on a story.

I've seen many articles that leave me saying "there has to be more here, and I need to know."

But regarding your question. no. I try to stay away from basing my own designs off of existing ones, for obvious reasons.
Maybe a few references here and there, but nothing too obvious or flagrant.