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hmmm, I gave this game a try and aside from a few issues, it was good. however after seeing what the below postings are saying, I thought it was abandoned.  I managed to find the discord channel with a version 44.3.  I truly hope this game hasnt been swept under the rug. the last post for updates was 5/2021.

I'll give a review after the download finishes and Ive given it a go

How was it?


definitely interesting, not alot of special bits. the end of the update was to say in the lease.... displeasing.

the controls are definitely on the janky side, the girls info board is far too small to make out anything.  it has many twists in the plot and is difficult to keep the storyline straight.  however, I still have high hopes this should be (or could be) a favorite game.

would love to see some special love scenes come up more.  my current playthrough, I counted 4 or 5. the ball busting wasnt to my liking, and the fondling i didnt include,

I'll keep playing around with the game to try other choices, but so far, 3 of 5 stars on my review board

when was the 44.3 version posted? how long ago was the most recent update ig and how long ago was the most recent news? ive seen a lot of comments saying they outright ban oyu for even asking about the game


so the post was maybe around a year old for that version, spoke to a dev of the discord server, they said that the final release will be soon.  all things considering, I believe the rumors are true, this game was abandoned. Even the STEAM version has no release date and the steam company is gonna post it as abandoned build according to a friend who works for STEAM.  They say the current build will still be downloadable in it's current format and setup which is pretty much a demo, so it'll be free to play like it is here.

Final review standing after spending over a month trying different outcomes.  Not a whole lot of sexual encounters, if counted right maybe 7 in a game that can take a full day to complete. and the ending is exactly the same no matter the choices you decide.  shame there was so much potential after my first discovery in the version.

Down side to the version on Steam, the version released is older 2019. the version I snagged 44.3 was released in 2021. no new updates. the discord server is still active but sadly I'm in agreement to the rumors. this game was abandoned, the devs will occasionally respond or block depending on their moods.

Good Luck

i think ive gotten most scenes aviaable i missed the one human girl. at the end, so yea dead game? it seems less liek the game was abandonded as much as it just became a title to milk money from people by claiming to update it. we can only hope an update comes out i love this game i really do i think it has a ton of potential. but i honestly do dout it will recive any further updates. all i can do is hope someone else takes up the task to make the game but idk if thats like a lawsuit waiting to happen either

and yea sexual encounters. i think its just the elf and the cat girl as well as one of the sisters. the spider. the shark. the slime. the human. the bunny. i cant think of any others atm but might have forgotten one. honestly i just want more monster fucking games and this is the only one to really do much monster fuck wise. spider stuff was cool

I was never able to get kitty girl to rut. the only ones I got to sleep with was the elf, slime, shark, fox sister, and bunny as well as spider.  would have loved to do the others like the dragon lamia, kitty girl, robot, bee and centaur (centaurs are my dream monsters). As for your thoughts in the developement, I mostly agree.  they started making a rockin game with huge potential then at the apex of money income, they cut and run.

I highly doubt patreon caused issues regarding the sister fox girls, one reason, the youngest doesnt know her own sexuality and just likes pretty and cute but never had a sexual fling even though she makes lewd comments about her sister. 

Two: many games come out of patreon with incest content, so its not uncommon.

my money (if i had any) would be on the game was getting so many sponsors and an influx of money but no updates and people were complaining, so patreon may have inquired or tried to get those people refunds.

Hard to say or speculate.

yea honestly this is about the best monster fuck game out there. wish there was one where i could fuck a more monstery thing then just human monster girls but atleast these monster girls have really good designs that i actualy find appealing. instead of just woman with a lizard tail and horns the designs seem more interesting. i hope soemone picks up the game and makes it but i dout it

yea honestly this is about the best monster fuck game out there. wish there was one where i could fuck a more monstery thing then just human monster girls but atleast these monster girls have really good designs that i actualy find appealing. instead of just woman with a lizard tail and horns the designs seem more interesting. i hope soemone picks up the game and makes it but i dout it

I have seen several attempts to make monster rutting games, many however was abandoned and never taken up. Im talking abandoned for up to 6 years and still counting.  there is one I thought that had some serious promise called monster cohabitation on  but it never made it out of demo and the demo released 3+ yrs ago.

another was breeders of nyeplihym (cant remember the proper spelling.  its hard on pc hardware and almost stands on AAA gaming so you need a decent gaming rig to play it.  still waiting to see the naga/lamia in that one but its a good game even for its alpha stage and is updated regularly