Some of the runes we are planning to add and working on right now !
Suggestions :
Shape Runes : (Shape Projectile, Shape Trap, etc.)
- Projectile (shoots a projectile (visual depends on element) towards cursor position, unless a target rune is connected
- Trap (places a trap mark at the players position. Needs some time until its armed (may scale with spell size ?)
- Beam (shoots a beam towards cursor position , unless a target rune is connected, which deals elemental damage whenever an enemy is inside it.
Conditional runes work the same as projectile runes in this case)
- Nova (AoE type shape at player position unless a target rune is connected
- Self (cast spell on self, spells that need positions and not entities take the player position)
Conditional Runes (possible name : Contingency Runes) : (Contingency Cast, Contingency Spell Impact, Contingency Hit, etc.)
- On Cast (executes everything after it on spell cast)
- On Spell Impact (executes everything after it first hits an entity, NOT including the player)
- On Hit (executes everything after it when the player is hit by an enemy)
- On Hp low (executes everything after it when the player is low on HP)
- On Target Death (executes everything after it when the first targeted entity dies)
- On Location (executes everything after it when the player reaches a given location. REQUIRES a location rune, a target rune overrides the player position check and replaces it by the given entity’s position and checks for that
Target Runes : (Target Focus, Target Spell Impact)
- Focus (Cursor Position)
- Spell Impact (the entity's position that got hit first by the spell)
- Random Living (position of a random living entity, excluding player)
- Random Dead (see above, except only dead entity locations, PROBABLY NOT NEEDED)
- Closest (position of the closest living entity, excluding player)
Terminal Runes : (Terminal Duration, Terminal Time)
- Duration (executes everything behind it until the spell duration is over or a connected condition has been met (conditional runes))
- Time (executes everything behind it for a set time. Default is x seconds)
Modifier Runes (possible name : Arcane Mutation) : (Arcane Mutation Duration)
- Duration (increases spell duration, when connected to a time rune it adds x seconds to the timer)
- Speed (increases projectile speed and overall casting speed, when connected to a time rune it subtracts x seconds from the timer)
- Magic Missile (makes a projectile based rune path-find towards a given target provided by a target rune)
- Amplify (When connected to an elemental rune (of the SAME element) it multiplies the elemental stats by the amount of runes connected)
- Pierce (makes the shape pierce, e.g projectile flies through multiple enemies)
Elemental runes
- Fire (a,b and c follow the same [damage, stat, combined] pattern on all other elements)
- Burn (inflicts fire damage)
- Ignite (inflicts the “burn” elemental stat)
- Incinerate (burn and ignite combined)
- Ice
- No name yet
- Freeze
- No name yet
- Dark (unique property of leeching life)
- Leech
- Curse
- No name yet
- Lightning
- Shock
- Paralyze
- Smite
- Earth
- No name yet
- No name yet
- Still no name here
- Shield (applies a shield that reduces all damage taken by x percent)
- Arcane
- Summon (summons an Elemental Golem, needs a connected elemental rune)