Hey, I haven't yet read this vn (it popped up randomly today in my updates for itchio in my email), but regardless have some thing you might want to look over- if you haven't already (I will happily watch this one later, but I'm currently in finals week ;_;).
These links provided by minotaur-hotel are amazing resources for writers and vn makers alike.
This one talks about survey data and offers plenty of great advice for writers in terms of what audiences are looking for, and how to balance that with making something you can be proud of. Sex may sell, but as the survey data shows- only 10% of the audience reported that that's all they care about.
This one talks about how to optimize the search algorithm on itchio. As they mention great games get buried all the time due to how itchio recommends games.
This one is 1 of the 3 (I believe) writing guides they wrote.