Thanks so much for the time you put in this game. Never played the first version of this game, but I can tell you from playing this version that it feels very fair. The map and imagery is quite repetitive, and yet I never felt so lost that I was frustrated. I felt like I always managed to find where I needed to go. Two notes I have from watching through this video during editing: the first was that I noticed the lighter's flame kind of obstructed some of the dialogue. It's not a HUGE deal, but it did obscure some letters so just pointing that out. Another thing was I noticed that in the final segment when we're turning valves, when you turn a valve, the message at the top of the screen reads, "Remaining valves." It's a bit confusing only because the 1/5, 2/5 etc. counter doesn't show you how many valves are REMAINING, but rather how many valves you've found, so maybe it would be more appropraite if it said "4 valves remaining, 3 valves remaining etc." or something like that. (I realize I probably sound nitpicky, but just trying to give good feedback!) Really enjoyed myself with this one. Goose is top tier character. Thanks again!