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This seems nice! it's a poket 4x. I wonder how long the games last.

Two questions:
1) why didn't you just use squares instead of inches? Seems to me the game could be played in a relatively small area.
2) when does the game end?


I can verify that people that looked at my draft actually objected to the initial use of squares, which is why mine uses inches as well. Probably in the same boat here.


I didn't want the game to require a "board" because I wanted it to be playable with whatever tokens / miniatures one hand on hand. Even a tape measure isn't really needed because during gameplay all lengths fall within the 12" or less of a standard ruler.

Game length is actually surprisingly short because as written, the game ends if a players reaches 10 VP while controlling the center planet (first column of first page spells out win condition). Because VP is handed out at the end of each round, games can end pretty quickly especially at the 2 player count. In future versions the max goal of VP will probably be adjusted based on player count. For now, feel free to use whatever VP goal makes the most sense to you based on the pace your games are going.

nice, everything makes sense.

I missed the end game condition anyways