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(1 edit) (+1)

Hehehehe, that was the goal! I wanted to write an intro so sickly sweet that people might forget the kind of game they were getting into... 😏 

Yay, I'm glad you noticed that! It's such a subtle detail, but I wanted to convey just how confused MC was feeling in that moment. And yes, I love evolving title screens! 

Thank you so much for playing! I'll do my very best to make the wait worth it!

(And you're not alone, haha. As you'll find out throughout the game, Liev has, to put it lightly... a lot of issues that contributed to making him as screwed up as he is. The conversation in the gardens is only the tip of the iceberg... 

In short, no, it wouldn't be a bad thing to want to help him. But whether your efforts will be successful or not all depends on the choices you make...)