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Enjoyment 3.75/5 - This is a hard one to judge here because I really love this when it works but it just has a few flaws to drag it down in terms of movement and tongue feeling sluggish at times and the hitboxes at some points being unforgiving. But otherwise, the level design is really well done in the end and running through the game once I got the hang of it was fun!

Concept 4/5 - A simple isometric 3D game but the mechanic of the grapple really makes it stand out and allows for great level design! Really good stuff with that!

Presentation 5/5 - Love the look of this game, models all look really nice low poly and the shading and designs really help sell that look. Also love the music based on Gourmet Race!

Use of Limitation 5/5 - I love speedrunning games and this takes full advantage of that with the leaderboard and individual level times. Really makes the player wanna get better and master the game!

Overall, despite a few initial flaws, this is something really special here! Great work!

wow. What an in depth and thoughtful comment