By and large I enjoyed the movement! Here are some of the thoughts I had as I played--both things I liked and things I would've liked to see:
- Chaining Goobi's spin attack to cancel a dive for some extra speed is very satisfying and creates a good way to both clear distance fast and get across longer (but not necessarily higher) gaps--I'd love to see that kept!
- Goobi's jump animation can sometimes make his movement hard to track--in particular it's not quite responsive enough for me to always have the best grasp on his jump height. I'd like to see a separate animation for while he's going up in particular, to more easily learn his jump timing.
- Wall attach triggers are very sticky! I'd like it if shorter walls couldn't trigger them at all, personally, as I kept having issues where I'd jump off a wall while platforming up steps.
- I want to be able to cancel the wall grab state using Goobi's spin attack--it'd serve two functions, both allowing a break out of a wall attach state and a way to quickly hop up once you make it near the top of a wall. In fact, I think this could be a novel way to solve a large part of the wall attach stickiness issue, turning it into a feature wherein you can use the spin attack to clear the rest of the distance if your jump is a little too low and you end up attaching to the wall!
- Lastly, some footstep sounds would be a nice extra touch that'll make Goobi feel more present in the environment.