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My deepest floor so far, I could outscale most enemies but eventually the weaker first turn took it's toll on me and I got one-shot ;-; 

Second turn I had 9 energy, going up to 12 on long fights, and poison would only kill me if it stacked enough to one-shot me (which was unlikely because I could cleanse 18+ poison per turn)

The badger boss on floor 18 (18000 health) died to 4500 spikes and 2200 poison, it was fun to watch his minions get one-shot by spikes

I was looking for a second Pavise and something to give me Haste (a shield blacksmith would be MVP here), but it was great nonetheless

what is the blue coin item?

(1 edit)

It is ethereal energy created by the wand. It costs 3 mana and gives this.

Ethereal energy gives +1 energy per turn.

the blue coin item gives you +1 energy but its only from the wand