A simple, elegant design that is very clear and offers lots of tactical flexibility. I think it's interesting that the player with initiative can choose to give up their initial draw to the opponent for the sake of a better hand for themselves.
My only real gripe is that the presence of 4 clan decks, while cool, slightly undermines the simplicity of the rest of the design. Ideally, in a game involving playing cards, I would want to be able to memorize what each card does within a short time of playing. But with four factions all slightly varied of each other, this becomes a much more difficult task.
If you had told me that a 5+ was a stagger, a 9+ was a deathblow, etc. it would essentially be the same game but with less of a need to constantly look up values on the table. Perhaps if just the face cards varied between clans, it would be easier to keep track? It would probably also be easier to balance.
All in all, this game looks like a great deal of fun and makes me wish I had some nice vampire miniatures to represent my coterie on the table! Great execution and implementation of theme.