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Ooooh wait I thought it was just a variable of having the music on or not, never realized it's based on the specific song either! Gonna have to get that. And love how the shower is called plot irrelevant and yet you literally have to get in it, and it has different music dialogue too lmao. Also wait the sugar jar is exactly 100 times? xD Nice. And even at the end of the world diabetes isn't great- actually gonna have to see what LG says there normally. Ah so the pizza is related to the doll and not some random thing or having to do with the music. I'll get on that then! And you're welcome!!

Ok first the bed dialogue, bout what I expected LG just tells me what I gotta do instead. Fair enough. Never actually got the dialogue for the phone being out cus I thought that would progress things and I interacted with the new chair first. Whoops, but yeah nothing new just the lines are down bout what I expected as well. Oh, missed some stuff on the second... section? Never interacted with the mom portrait being flipped upside-down. Course LG blames mom and then gets another comedy line ok then. Also got the replaced chair, LG's just happy it's back, though I thought she didn't like it?  Like how she calls the eye on the TV a work of art. Definitely better than dumb football. The eye's shaking with the music too. xD And missed Zera being among the photos on the wall! I was confused cus on the third hour LG said something about him not being there but now it makes sense.

Lmao Claire and LG trying to burn each other while they can barely hear each other is too good. Yet LG can still sleep through it lol. She does comment on it though so nice detail. Pffft and LG actually just straight up calls Zera Ronald McDonald, nice. Once again shouting ensues- wait Zera used the bathroom? ...Ew. He is creepy.  Lmfao the pizza call is even better, poor Aimolette just trying to keep her job and going deaf, can't accept McDonald's outside food either. xD Oh we love to torture her so. Heh and LG sings along in the shower scene, trying to sing over Zera. Also love how her singing just devolves into gibberish. And the music is barely making it over the roar of the void outside. Makes sense since apparently Claire could hear it two blocks away. And Zera's just so done with everything. Aw, sad the music cuts out on the third day but it makes sense considering the radio is broken. LG's still pissed about it tho lol.

Decided to completely ignore the doll on the third hour and plug the radio back in to see what would happen. Guessing I'm not getting the true ending this way, but hey the pizzas have arrived. Lmao Chad Girlington, beautiful. End-of-the-world delivery fee makes sense. Surprisingly nice conversation after everything. Also didn't realize the chair changed back on the third hour, so got to see LG annoyed at that lol. Yup got the pizzas, went back into the kitchen, and the doll is gone!

Ooo now Zera's in the mom and dad's room! Dunno if it was ignoring the doll or fixing the radio and getting the pizza that caused that. ...Gonna have to check what the LG's room door would've said. Anyways, new ending! Ok love how the creepy demon is now Sei, and our party energy is attracting that destroyer of worlds! Good thing we got pizza, love the effect over the screen of the pizza it's too good. And RIP Zera got eaten for not wanting to party. Now let's party down with Sei! And get pizza. Yum yum. Guess this was actually true ending even though I never interacted with the doll?

Oh hey and Tem room. Bro I get the true ending and y'all call me out for not getting the sugar thing again. Guess I gotta do that so you don't make fun of me. >:( 

Ok so current agenda: Go into the void. Go into the basement first on hour three. Interact with doll and don't pick it up to see if it does something different. Interact with doll and don't pick it up and don't fix the radio and see if I get something different. Get true ending and get diabetes and also interact with LG's room door. Also also see what the other two songs do. A lot to see!